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Chinese Medicine in the 21st Century
Enjoy the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine without leaving your home!
Daniel has been working with Chinese medicine since 1989, ranging from manual techniques like shiatsu and anma to more subtle practices like qigong. He has been the Brazilian champion of taiji quan multiple times. He led the Chinese medicine team at the Rational Medicalities Project of IMS/UERJ and is the author of the classic article ‘Chinese Medicine, Medical Rationality,’ which has been republished twice in different collections of scientific articles on integrative and complementary practices.
Since 2011, he has been creating original technologies within the framework of Chinese medical rationality. His innovative clinical practice is solidly rooted in the understanding of Chinese medicine in its original terms and in the observation of somatic markers, a rich tradition of visually impaired acupuncturists in Japan.
Daniel offers consultations in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish. The immediately observable effects of his consultations surprise patients around the world.